"Mon modèle, c'est moi-même ! Je suis mon meilleur modèle parce que je connais mes erreurs, mes qualités, mes victoires et mes défaites. Si je passe mon temps à prendre un autre modèle comme modèle comment veux-tu que ce modèle puisse modeler dans la bonne ligne ?"
JC Van Damme
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
If you remember augmented reality...
Basically, this is AR without having to use a phone. Some of the applications are probably some years away from being commercially viable and others a bit more (the processing requirements are simply too high to be affordable) but the overall idea is pretty interesting. And it's a hell of a lot more palatable than the poorly named iPad while being completely open source and it's intended to be as mass market as possible.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Red dot in the skaaaayyye!!!

(Une message en Française suivre)
Hey, kids!
Lets talk astrolomy!
Apparently, this red dot will be visible in the sky this friday and you dont want to miss it!
We should meet up on the rooftop of this couple's appartment I know. They've got a great skyline view. Its next to Christobald Colombus street and Rosemont.
Friday's forecast looks perfect for a session of astrolonomy, so lets get crackin!
Also, we should get together, its been a while and this will be a blast.
Red dot in the skaaaye!

(andz now, for ze french messâge)
la planète Tabernaxe 32 entrera dans l'optique de notre planète, la planète Cibolaxe 50, ce Vendredi, qui n'est pas Saint, et qui ne devrait pas le devenir, sous aucun prétexte.
Cet événement survient à toute les calixes années, il ne faut donc pas le manquer, ce qui serait bien dommage, comme dirait le Christ sur la Croix.
Pour ce faire, nous proposons de nous rapprocher de la ciboirix lactée, afin de
mieux percevoir le phénomène. Pour ce faire, nous proposons le toit de l'autre imbécile.
Faute de mieux, restons chez soi, mais ce serait dommage, comme dirait l'autre gnochon.
Over and out.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
From Sigh to Naked City to Leng T'che
Slow slicing or the slow process, the lingering death, or death by a thousand cuts, was a form of execution used in China from roughly AD 900 until its abolition in 1905. In this form of execution, the condemned person was killed by using a knife to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time. The term língchí derives from a classical description of ascending a mountain slowly.

Lingchi was reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason and killing one's parents. The process involved tying the person to be executed to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opium was sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death.
Thank you procrastination

Lingchi was reserved for crimes viewed as especially severe, such as treason and killing one's parents. The process involved tying the person to be executed to a wooden frame, usually in a public place. The flesh was then cut from the body in multiple slices in a process that was not specified in detail in Chinese law and therefore most likely varied. In later times, opium was sometimes administered either as an act of mercy or as a way of preventing fainting. The punishment worked on three levels: as a form of public humiliation, as a slow and lingering death, and as a punishment after death.
Thank you procrastination

I can't wait to go to Pant's place tonight. I read about this band, Sigh and I'm really curious to hear what they sound like.
Wikipedia says they are a mix of Black, Symphonic, Avant-garde and Death. Sounds delish!
And just to whet my appetite even more, I had to go and read Exclaim!'s review:
Scenes from Hell
By Laura Wiebe Taylor
Sigh's eighth album, Scenes from Hell, is a whirlwind of musical chaos, far more lively than I'd ever imagined hell to be. More like a Carnival Diablo. The metal here is sparse, stripped down to vintage death with a hint of punk or the odd thrashy lead. The tones are viciously deconstructed, but almost every metal riff seems out of its league, bombarded and overwhelmed by a stormy onslaught of horns and synth orchestrations, or a richly evil saxophone solo. At times, the whole conglomeration sounds like a mazurka soundtrack for an epic fantasy, or maybe a creepy cartoon special. Increasingly familiar melodic patterns give the album a theme and variation lilt, leading into martial interruptions, and what might pass for a demonic coronation. Chanted narration and a slow dance of death provide interludes to the high-speed drama moving the record forward, only to sink back into chaos once more. It's recognizably Sigh and works extremely well, at times, but in the end I'm still uncertain about the intended effect and I leave more confused than satisfied. (The End)
I can't even listen to their myspace as I don't have my earphones!
It's a good thing I'm so good at delaying gratification.
JCVD : The wisdome of JCVD - 8
"Si tu téléphones à une voyante et qu'elle ne décroche pas avant que ça sonne, raccroche."
JC Van Damme
JC Van Damme
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I'm Starting to Lose My Fucking Mind

Harper is out of control. In my lifetime, I've never had a Prime Minister drive me so fucking crazy. I'm sick and tired of his bullshit, his dick-sucking environment minister, his proroguing, and his arrogant smirk. Fuck him.
Read this on Cyberpresse
Friday, January 8, 2010
To Shell with it
Dear 19,
you know, We complain a lot about Our generation's apathy and lack of any kind of awareness or care towards every aspects of life ...
This generalised state of willing ignorance and severe cynicism is enough to make Us fantasise about massacre and crucifixions by the masses, and Our existence is somehow a little tainted by these unhealthy fancies. As years go by, We feel We should move on to a wiser take on life and the human specie in particular, but unfortunately, We only seem to be growing closer to the day of the concretization of Our mental problems, and "maturity" (this ever ungraspable concept usually spoken of by people who will never know its true meaning) is sadly drifting away from Us.
Anyhow, yesterday was a day of immense relief for Us and our daily psychological struggle against the north-american. Yesterday might even have been the greatest day in our life so far, for yesterday saw the abrupt cutting of 20% of Our beloved city's air pollution (look it up).

After 75 years of ravaging the eastern face of our island, the Shell refinery is no more.
This industrial mega-monster is finally dead.
And even though this calamity was paying 500 millions dollars in municipal tax every year, and was employing about 500 full time workers (without counting the 100s of contracters and all the other losers such as the security guards for example), I can only rejoice and celebrate in this new era of a 20% less polluted Montreal.
Of course this closure bears bad news for my ennemies the car drivers, another reason for me to celebrate. This is better than the new year, this is the new Era my friends.
I love this city even more now.
Cause That thing was a huge monstrosity.

I wonder what they'll do with the hole it will leave.

So I'll be celebrating starting tonight, and continuing Saturday night.
Tell me if you're interested to join me.
End of Shell Montreal baby. Its important. Its a fucking great thing.
you know, We complain a lot about Our generation's apathy and lack of any kind of awareness or care towards every aspects of life ...
This generalised state of willing ignorance and severe cynicism is enough to make Us fantasise about massacre and crucifixions by the masses, and Our existence is somehow a little tainted by these unhealthy fancies. As years go by, We feel We should move on to a wiser take on life and the human specie in particular, but unfortunately, We only seem to be growing closer to the day of the concretization of Our mental problems, and "maturity" (this ever ungraspable concept usually spoken of by people who will never know its true meaning) is sadly drifting away from Us.
Anyhow, yesterday was a day of immense relief for Us and our daily psychological struggle against the north-american. Yesterday might even have been the greatest day in our life so far, for yesterday saw the abrupt cutting of 20% of Our beloved city's air pollution (look it up).

After 75 years of ravaging the eastern face of our island, the Shell refinery is no more.
This industrial mega-monster is finally dead.
And even though this calamity was paying 500 millions dollars in municipal tax every year, and was employing about 500 full time workers (without counting the 100s of contracters and all the other losers such as the security guards for example), I can only rejoice and celebrate in this new era of a 20% less polluted Montreal.
Of course this closure bears bad news for my ennemies the car drivers, another reason for me to celebrate. This is better than the new year, this is the new Era my friends.
I love this city even more now.
Cause That thing was a huge monstrosity.

I wonder what they'll do with the hole it will leave.

So I'll be celebrating starting tonight, and continuing Saturday night.
Tell me if you're interested to join me.
End of Shell Montreal baby. Its important. Its a fucking great thing.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Whaling News

Check this article out on the BBC website
Anti-whaling activists accuse Japan fleet of attack
Sea Shepherd has been at it again but their boat got seriously rammed and will probably sink. The video is pretty hardcore. Also, the boat looked like it was borrowed from Batman

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Should I believe everything the internet tells me?
Because I really want to believe this:
Christopher Lee - To Release Metal Album

Sir Christopher Lee is to become Christopher Cheese once more.
The project is called Charlemagne. It is the story of King Charlemagne, First Holy Roman Emperor, acted and sung by the legendary actor Christopher Lee. Sir Christopher is the highest grossing actor of all time, with cinematic milestones such as "Lord Of The Rings", "Star Wars", "The Man with the Golden Gun" and "Dracula", amongst over 280 movies - and still counting!
The Carandinis, Lee's maternal ancestors, were given the right to bear the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. Through his Carandini ancestors, Christopher Lee has a direct link to Charlemagne, and has decided for the first time in his life to pay homage to his distinguished ancestor, who is credited as "The Father of Europe".
Charlemagne is a concept album with original words and symphonic metal music.
Composer Marco Sabiu, best known for his collaborations with Kylie Minogue, Take That, Pavarotti, Morricone, has created a truly epic canvas by introducing modern metal symphonies, in a style which resembles a movie score. Marie-Claire Calvet, a graduate from Bristol University, transports the listener into "The Dark Ages", with a very powerful storyline and mesmerising lyrics. A full orchestra, heavy metal musicians, choir and special guest vocalists bring the legend of Charlemagne to life.
Sir Christopher Lee has also collaborated with Rhapsody Of Fire in the past, and lists his influences as: Manowar, Rhapsody Of Fire, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Hammerstein, Movie Scores and Symphonic Metal.
The album will be released on the 15th of March 2010.
Christopher Lee - To Release Metal Album

Sir Christopher Lee is to become Christopher Cheese once more.
The project is called Charlemagne. It is the story of King Charlemagne, First Holy Roman Emperor, acted and sung by the legendary actor Christopher Lee. Sir Christopher is the highest grossing actor of all time, with cinematic milestones such as "Lord Of The Rings", "Star Wars", "The Man with the Golden Gun" and "Dracula", amongst over 280 movies - and still counting!
The Carandinis, Lee's maternal ancestors, were given the right to bear the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. Through his Carandini ancestors, Christopher Lee has a direct link to Charlemagne, and has decided for the first time in his life to pay homage to his distinguished ancestor, who is credited as "The Father of Europe".
Charlemagne is a concept album with original words and symphonic metal music.
Composer Marco Sabiu, best known for his collaborations with Kylie Minogue, Take That, Pavarotti, Morricone, has created a truly epic canvas by introducing modern metal symphonies, in a style which resembles a movie score. Marie-Claire Calvet, a graduate from Bristol University, transports the listener into "The Dark Ages", with a very powerful storyline and mesmerising lyrics. A full orchestra, heavy metal musicians, choir and special guest vocalists bring the legend of Charlemagne to life.
Sir Christopher Lee has also collaborated with Rhapsody Of Fire in the past, and lists his influences as: Manowar, Rhapsody Of Fire, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Hammerstein, Movie Scores and Symphonic Metal.
The album will be released on the 15th of March 2010.
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