See, I had this very good idea. Website would be called "".
You'd go there, and you'd have about 10 tabs listing different kinds of objects or reasons to hate, like : ethnic, gender, age, sexual orientation, species, and more specific.
Then if you'd click on any of them you'd have sub-genres, for instance if someone clicked on gender, then you'd have : male, female, trans-gender... and then if you'd click on any of those, you'd fall on a bulletin board with completely uncensored posts from anyone needing to ventilate their hatred towards the chosen object of hate.
Also the music in the background would be shuffling through Slayer's discography.
I had it all figured out, the interfaces, the web design, everything...
So before anything I checked the cybersphere, to see if anyone had already had the idea, and to my great surprise, NO! no one owns the domain!
Then I found out how much those 4 letters cost...

Who would have known that hate was such an expensive concept. Its almost impossible.
Its as if the socialist hippies or some other sissy peace loving communist organization had overbidded on it so as to stop us honest, hard working, freedom loving citizens from going ahead with this project which only aims to help the people express themselves. I dunno what an escrow is, but it definitely suits the french definition.
But wait. Are the registrars charging for that or is it just some domain squatter who hates your face and loves your money?
Just checked. The domain isn't available. It's owned by some dude in Nassau. You should call him at +852.81720004 and express your feelings about this...or tell him your idea and trust that he'll send you checks on a regular basis.
How cynical of him.
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