I'm all vaklempt now.
I thought for a final tribute, I would post the last picture of his intact body, taken just before he was feasted on and whose bones the marrow was sucked out of by Shipwreck.. In it, you'll find his flacid, lifeless corpse; next to him, Salem's Lot, Shipwreck's minions.

I have risen from the grave. Much like Zombie Jesus.
Zombie Jesus! It's funny 'cause it's true!
Did Jesus finally die because he refused to eat brains?
Makes sense to me.
case closed
I should mention that that picture looks like it belongs in a summer camp pamphlet.
Considering the 1st century's lack of shotguns I'm not sure exactly how they would have handled a Zombie plague.
Oh, if only I had a flux capacitor. Then I could go back in time and find out what they did to stop the Zombie scourge.
Why don't you hit your head on a toilet bowl?
I'm still one DeLorean short of a time machine.
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