last week, i went to the dep at around 22h50. and last week, on saturday night, was the night of the saboteur ball. for those who don't know saboteur is the very imaginative label who's brought us dj champion (sigh)...
i'll admit that, as much as this label used to suck terrible balls, mostly because of the major douchebag who started it (i won't name him by his name because i've already gotten in trouble with this sort of stuff in another blog...). well, the guy's a pretentious moron who likes shitty music. so, as much as it used to suck huge balls, nowadays, with the recent addition of numéro# and omnikrom, i guess we can say that suck smaller balls.
but anyway, this is enough for me to absolutely know that i'd never want to go near a saboteur event (oops, i'm going to omnikrom's album launch tonight...) in my life, simply because this label, having been propelled by champion's success (sigh), attracts the very kind of people who listen to champion... duke, these are the people who wear matching baseball caps, buy matching lycrs suits and strollers, go to edgar and baldwin's...
so i was at the dep that's just by the sala rossa on st-laurent, at 22h50, the night of the saboteur ball, and, of course, there was a huge line up. so there i was, standing in line with my 12-pack, surrounded by a bunch of people who were obviously going to this thing. i could tell because of the numerous von dutch baseball caps, among other things.
right behind me stand a 40 year old gay bachelor (there was no way that any guy would ever want him for a partner) and his secretary, or something, who was a dumb 35-40 year old st-jérôme expat... at the beginning, i wasn't listening to their conversation, but then i overheard what was being said behind me and noticed that the guy was giving a music history 101 lesson to the girl... he seemed particularily fond of what he called "techno music"... at one point, he admited that techno music certainly hadn't reinvented the wheel, but almost had, and that it was a product of the late 1980's. then he started to talk about his roomate who listens to "indie music", which, the guy said, was absolutely unimaginative and nothing but a copy-paste of R.E.M. and U2 who, as everyone know, were the true talents in music since the beatles (yes, he said that) and who strived to innovate and find new ways to play interesting music. nowadays, he said, musicians can only copy what had been done before. then the girl said something i couldn't quite understand, at which point the guy said "no, you're referring to electronic music... they also use guitars... and you know who invented that? CHAMPION, a montrealer..." and the girl to add "oh yeah??? that's great!!!"
so there you have it, before champion, no one ever used guitars or real instruments in electro music.
and that, my friends, is why i tell you that people like stuff that they either don't know, or even worse, that they can't even tell you why they like it.
I love the concept of inventing things in music. Wait, wait, I just invented the use of MSN sounds in music.
I think you guys have more in common with that guy than you think. More than half of the arguments that Ram has with Duke are about things they don't understand. They talk about things they think they like or know about, but they don't. And the majority of Trebek's posts are about what music to listen to and where to go. Not to mention how stupid everyone is for not being like him. So before you guys go around trashing the entire city, take a good look in the mirror (not the hour, it sucks).
PS: Please don't stop.
oooooohhhh... i've been served!!!
yeah.. my posts mostly are about music.... that's because i've been playing music for more than half my life and it's what i like and know best... i like architecture too, but it's easier to tell someone to download this song or buy this album than to check out this new building in indonesia...
i never claimed to know everything about music, but i know why i like the stuff that i like and usually try to do a bit of research to know where that came from...
and, i don't want everyone to be like me... that's actually what my entire post was all about: that people can't be themselves and want to be like others or others to be like them...
so quit waving mirrors around people's faces and keep jerking off to your facebook profile.
I don't deserve this antagony. WTF? Absurd uninformed arguments are fun. They teach you how to bullshit your way through the mortal ignorance that plagues us all. Did you know that bullshit has its own scientific method?
Hey Joker, take it easy. It is not half the arguments, but a paltry 37% of arguments I have with Duke. Get your facts straight!
Alice In Chains !!!
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