Saturday, March 12, 2011

Excitement She Wrote!

Oh Angela, my muse. You are among the unfortunate victims of the ravages of time. If I could only reverse it's passage and meet you in the monochrome years. The death of your youth is yet another murder that you could never undo.


Barbarosa said...

My gf has decided to dedicate her life to creating a time machine for your dick. It would also be a movie: Time Dick. It would be a sequel to her smashing success: Ghost Dick.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

That means that I'll also be able to score me some damsel Judie Dench!

Dementor said...

For the time traveling dick, wearing a cap could mean the difference between a pleasant night of vintage pussy dipping, and the devastating consequences of a time continuum paradox that could invert the poles of the universe. Just imagine if the Time Dick impregnated the virgin Mary.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

How do you that that's not what actually happened? It seems to me like that would be the most rational explanation for when a woman is impregnated by someone other than her husband.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

She got penetruded by the time dick.

Dementor said...

So I google "Time Dick" just to make sure no one had done the movie before and... goddamn it... shit... arrh... just dont do it.