Wednesday, April 28, 2010


You know when you get caught in a YouTube spiral of descent and you end up in some sort of strange trance? You know how, after a while, the movies lose all meaning or truth? You know how time tends to evaporate when in these spirals? You know how shitty you feel when you finally snap out of it and realize how long you've been stuck there? Well... This is the movie that snapped me out of that trance:


Napoleon Bonerpants said...
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Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Frank Narrator: Yes, those do look like spaceships...yes. Look at the aerodynamics and the jets!

Johnny Inquisitive: Gee, I don't know, they look to me like some sort of artist's interpretation.

Frank Narrator: No but look, one guy has his hand on...a stick-shift and he's being chased by the other ship.

Johnny Inquisitive: Oh yeah, kind of like in Life of Brian. And the stick-shift part, now you're just making stuff up.

Frank Narrator: it's a spaceship

Johnny Inquisitive: I remain skeptical

Frank Narrator: It's a spaceship. The spectators are watching in horror as they pass by.

Johnny Inquisitive: You mean the angels. Yes, the angels do look surprised by the spaceships. But how come that Saint-Peter guy with that big heavy-looking halo around his head only seems to notice the Jesus getting crucified part?

Frank Narrator: It's a spaceship I tell you.

Johnny Inquisitive: and why...

Frank Narrator: spaceship

Johnny Inquisitive: but...

Frank Narrator: SPACESHIP!!!