Sunday, February 21, 2010

Strange but fun fact #983756

In 1997, Leonso Canales Jr. from Kingsville, Texas convinced Kleberg County commissioners to designate "heaven-o" as the county's official greeting, on the grounds that the greeting "hello" contains the word "hell", and that the proposed alternative sounds more "positive". "Hello", however, is not etymologically related to "hell". [Source]


Dementor said...

The fact that the middle-ages are upon us again is indeed strange, but it is in no way fun.
I find this very disturbing and shall
now go kill a cat

Dementor said...

and another thing,
since "hello" doesnt have anything to do with hell, then I think we should show our colors and start greeting people with : "Satan-O". To make things clear.

Barbarosa said...

I guess I should never ask that man for help.

Master of the Craw said...

satan-o doesn't roll off the tongue though. Beelzebuto though its ok.