I was going to show you a Sarkozy video, but instead I came upon this! Owwwwwwaaaaaahhh!
While you're being distracted, peep the music...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
this is what a real rock concert should sound like...
youtube's gone stupid and doesn't let me post links no more so just copy paste the links....
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Well aren't we spoiled! Here we complain when a fuzzy raccoon goes into our trash. In other parts of the world (and this is true, by the way) they get these sons of bitches.

They're called coconut crabs, and I want one.

They're called coconut crabs, and I want one.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I Heart India (# 39472 in a series)

I'm not making this up:
"Monkey attack kills Delhi leader
The deputy mayor of the Indian capital Delhi has died a day after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys."
BBC News story
This story is funny (except for the guy dying part) not only for its own obvious reasons. First of all, I would like to add that Delhi has a population of about 13 million. So nobody can say its a podunk town in the middle of nowhere. However, it is run by Chief Minister Dikshit. No shit. I posted an article on this a while back. Speaking of which, I also posted an article on the Indian Prime Minister's office being invaded by monkeys...
I don't know where to start laughing.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hey Spider!
I think I found a video game that would be Spider's idea of heaven. I'm looking forward to watching him play this one.
Hey guys! There's a new exposition going in town and its about our very own Whippet. It looks pretty cool as Montreal's history is traced parallel to it. Weird.
Also weird is that this is the only video I was able to find.
Yes, the band is from Drummondville.
For the expo,
Here's the info:
Écomusée du fier monde (!?!?!)
2050, rue Amherst, angle Ontario (à 7 minutes du métro Berri-UQÀM)
Écomusée du fier monde
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Le cauchemar de Darwin

Who wants to come with me to check this out? I'm pretty sure its free.
France-Autriche-Belgique / 2004 / 107 min
English (sous-titres français)
Lundi le 15 octobre à 18h15 au Local DS-1950, Pavillon J.-A.-DeSève (320, Sainte-Catherine Est)
Les rives du plus grand lac tropical du monde, considéré comme le berceau de l’humanité, sont aujourd’hui le théâtre du pire cauchemar de la mondialisation.
En Tanzanie, dans les années 60, la Perche du Nil, un prédateur vorace, fût introduite dans le lac Victoria à titre d’expérience scientifique. Depuis, pratiquement toutes les populations de poissons indigènes ont été décimées. De cette catastrophe écologique est née une industrie fructueuse, puisque la chair blanche de l’énorme poisson est exportée avec succès dans tout l’hémisphère nord.
Pêcheurs, politiciens, pilotes russes, prostituées, industriels et commissaires européens y sont les acteurs d’un drame qui dépasse les frontières du pays africain.
Dans le ciel, en effet, d’immenses avions-cargos de l’ex union soviétique forment un ballet incessant au dessus du lac, ouvrant ainsi la porte à un tout autre commerce vers le sud: celui des ...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
MBAM Expansion!

Did you hear the good news? The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal (also known as the Montreal Fine Arts Museum by less educated folks) is expanding! Yeah, they're going to take over the Erskine and American church that is right across the street from the Museum, on the aptly named Rue du Musée. They are going to use to house a Canadian art wing. Not only that, but they'll be expanding the church as well. 2000 square metres in all. Nice.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I'm getting this instead.

The luxury helium-filled airship will feature a gourmet restaurant, a spa, a swimming pool, a resident DJ, library, and private mini-offices, to name a few.
The Strato Cruiser airship combines the luxury cruise experience with Richard Branson’s futuristic visions of space travel. The travelers will be pampered with spa treatments - massage, personal trainers, yoga classes and beauty care so the travelers will come out energized instead of looking weary. The cruiser’s Sky Lounge will offer incredible views of the worlds most exciting landscapes and cities during its flight.
Hey Candyman!
Why don't tcha get a life! And stop being so god damn cheap! You're phone is nice and all, but real men have gold phones! Real men, real gold.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why can't we build cool shit like this here (Chinese National Theater)
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