Far from attempting to evade responsibility for his act of arson, XXXXXXX proudly claimed credit in order to immortalise his name in history. In order to dissuade similar-minded fame-seekers, the Ephesean authorities not only executed him but also condemned him to a legacy of obscurity by forbidding mention of his name under the penalty of death. This did not stop XXXXXXX from achieving his goal, however, as the ancient historian Theopompus recorded the event and its perpetrator in his history.
- Wikipedia
I voluntarily censored the name.
The more erudite among us may know who this article is about seeing as an adjective based on the man's name was eventually created to describe such parasitic fame seekers as the guy who shot John Lennon. That guy's name, by the way, is:
Mark David Chapman

in case you didn't know
For the rest of us ignorami, the article can easily be found on Wikipedia or elsewhere. However, I strongly encourage the curious to leave it alone. This is the first time that I encounter information that I truly believe should be kept secret. It's time to put our heads in the sand and forget the tragically infamous wretches such as:
Mark David Chapman

I must be missing something; so why are you showing the dude's name then?
Is there some sort of underlying sarcasm I'm not getting here?
It's to remind you to forget the guy
Forget who?
Hehehe, my question can be taken in a few delicious ways; of course the flavour depends on your perspective.
You see? Now you get it...I think.
the better thing to do is to make his name into an adjective describing stupidity and/or vanity. Like how Shylock means a cheapskate asshole or how pulling an Iggy meant doing something retarded.
But that's it! The original guy's name actually is used as an adjective qualifying a fame sought at any cost.
Now you just sound pompous.
I'm StIlL ALivE By thE WAy.
ThANks FOr ThE CRedItS.
I'm bringing "pulling an Iggy" back.
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