1. Methinks it's starting to smell like a new Wintersun album! Here are the clues I gathered. First from Kai Hahto's website

Second, from Kai Hahto's wikipedia page.

2. Samael are coming to town.

My Parisian friend alerted me to it in the following way:
Le plus grand groupe de black metal (selon moi) passera à Montréal en octobre 2009.
Dis-moi que tu vas essayer d'y aller...!"
Leaving me little choice. Who's in?
I'm in. I just hope it's not on a sunday because I wouldn't want to be up at 3:10 on a sunday.
Moi je viendrais si je pouvais entendre un sampligne dudit bande.
There's absolutely nothing on Kai's website hinting to a new Wintersun album.
Did you predicted it just by looking at his website? Did the website imbue your soul with the power of the Oracle?
This is what I could find, an interview for Metal From Finland.
It dates back to 2008, so the album should be coming out right abouuuuuuut... now.
Come out album. Come out! You shouldnt be scared, we love you already. We mean you no harm. You can come out now...
ragazzi: "According to rumors you are currently in the studio for recording the new album of Wintersun; if that´s the case when will the new CD be released?"
Kai: "I have done my parts already, but we are faced with some big problems to finish the record. Our computer broke down two times. Now we finally got a new Mac Pro to finish the rest of the stuff. Drums, bass and guitars were recorded in a real studio and then Jari (our guitarist, songwriter and singer) faced the problems in his home studio and the album got delayed pretty badly. So things seem much better now and we hope to finish the album this year so it could be released before the next summer. It´s a huge project: 200 - 300 tracks per song, seven real songs plus an intro and an outro. The lenght of the album is 79.50 minutes.It will be released through Nuclear Blast from Germany and also around the world. Personally for me the new album is something that I´m really proud of and it was the most difficult album to play during my whole career. So it was a big challenge like the first Wintersun album, but on a different level."
Fuck off Nerdlord, that interview just made the wait even worse.
i will be in. and we will drunk the blood of our fallen foes.
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