It ain't my b-day nymore but let's just say I haven't gone to sleep yet, soze the samez day.
Anyways, I'll spread some propaganda and you and get aways with 'cause its my birthday.
Two-wheel stats:
If you cycle regularly, you can expect to be as fit as an average person 10 years younger.
On a bicycle, you can travel up to 1,037km on the energy equivalent of a litre of petrol.
Cyclists absorb lower levels of pollutants from traffic fumes than car drivers. ( This leaves me perplexed)

On average, cyclists live two years longer than non-cyclists.
"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the human race." HG Wells
"Be part of the future, it feels good!" Ram Puniyani

That one giant wheel reminds me of what will happen when, randomly, Piernitas chooses "Build motion machine" out of the chores char.
This was you most profound entry~! I am so moved, I think it is time to pull out me wheels~!
Oh and happy be-laited my love~! poor timing on my part, please understand things have been a bit on the crazy side. XOXOXOXOX
Not to mention that biking will give you testicular cancer, if it hasnt got you killed on the road before. I tell ya, those things should be left only for minges to ride. Then their lack of spacio-visual skills would only hurt themselves. Thats what I say, and you can lay to that.
Also, sitting all day on a bike can give you an acute case of Fat-Ass. Go running, you'll be able to rely on your legs, not your tires. Plus, the only danger are those cyclist fuckers on overpasses. But a few spiked tracks can take care of them.
duke's comments = rubbish
Duke's comments = misplaced anger
Duke's life = misplaced anger
My anger is well placed : deep and well pounded in your mother's minge.
Duke's gettin' upset!
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