I was walking to Breathe's place when I happenned on this cool looking Mexican resto, Maria Bonita. Its on the corner of Casgrain and Maguire. The menu is very reasonable and looks delish.

Here's a review :
Maria Bonita Review
What say? This weekend perhaps?
that place is awesome! and not too expensive! i went when they opened 2 years ago cause it was opened by the people who own the delicious mexican concession at jazz fest and francos and with whom i worked... so anyway, their food is amazing and authentic.. none of that taco bell texmex bullshit... go now!!!
I am NOT going now. I have to go get my hair cut. But I will go this coming weekend.
And btw, I'm all for authentic Mexican cuisine, but please DO NOT diss the bell again. The Tex Mex is good muthafucka!
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