I'm feeling fine when I walk in the library. I start reading and soon enough, my eyelids start getting heavier and heavier, until they feel like they're made of lead. My eyes start tingling, begging to be soothed my sweet, soft lids. My head begins to get too heavy for my poor tired neck. Soon enough I'm knocking on imaginary nails with my head. I am literally fighting off the sleep fairy. Why? WHY?
You know, although my loutish behaviour is the biggest culprit, my ''career'' would be a lot better off if it weren't for this awful reaction.

yo indian fuck! there's a vagine-o-car you no good brownie! that's right, i'm racist! don't you fucking fall asleep you idiot good for nothing free-loader! now fetch me a sandwich!
yeah that was me.
Ay, per la madre de Jesus Trebekito, you really need to try and suck on your toes ese, take it eazy cabron...
By the way dudes, I dont mean to ruin your lives or anything but truth must be told : the hilarious video of the interviewer cruelly laughing at some crippled couple in flamish, its a sketch, its not true, its from some belgian comedy show called "In de Gloria". To tell you the truth I still think its amazingly funny, you really have to give it to the guy to be able to simulate a fou rire comme ca, trop vraiment bon. haaaaaaaaaaaa...
How is that a sketch? How is the crowd not laughing its ass off if its a sketch? I vote for it being totally true. SOLD!
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