first... it was nice out today so i think it calls for some celebrating at korova tonight... just sayin'...
second... next week, come celebrate april fool's day with our guest DJ's Pony up! we're holding their show after-party at korova.
third... the week after that... come celebrate easter at korova with us and our still to be confirmed guest DJ's... everyone's got the day off on monday so the place will be packed... plus, we're working on some really cool guests...
Which reminds, thanks for the faceful of shameless promo. Mucho appreciado.
ooohhh!!! i just got it!!! the "flyers in your window" bit....
anytime buddy, anytime!
also, flyers in bicycle parts...
inventive, aren't i?
You should see my plans for revenge. Although you could argue that my "muffin attack" circa the year 2000 or so was what they call in the industry, a preventative revenge.
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