Monday, March 30, 2009


Don't you just hate those mornings when you wake up and feel like this guy:

I do.


Dementor said...

Man indeed...
He looks like an eunuch who misses his dear testicules. Even if I had his red gown, I'd be sad too.
What a gown though. It could almost compensate. I'd give my small ball for this gown.

Barbarosa said...

Is Nerdlord correct? If so, how was your manhood challenged in such a fashion as to lose all hope of having sex again?

Dementor said...

Thats it though.
Thats the look of someone who's never gonna have sex again.

Dementor said...

"Benito Torquemada took a pause from reading his bible, and thought about his eunuch existence. Thats when depression set in."

Master of the Craw said...

As he sat pondering the fate of his once beloved testicle Monseigneur Torquemada beseeched his favorite painter to take a candid portrait of his loss. And so, on a cool September morning in 1812 a young master painter by the name of Testiculo III, son of Scrotus and McVulva pressed his brush to canvas and began what was to be his master opus.
Ironically he died a few days later in a tragic leeching and bloodletting accident.