Looks great, doesn't he? This guy built a nuclear reactor in his basement as a kid. The photo's recent. He won't explain why his face looks this way. He refuses to be tested for radiation exposure.
You can read his Wikipedia bio here but I suggest you read this article instead entitled:The Radioactive Boyscout

My Favorite parts are when he manages to not only build a neutron gun, but then make it even more powerful; and of course the last paragraph of the article (sorry for spoiling it) that reads:
David Hahn is now in the Navy, where he reads about steroids, melanin, genetic codes, prototype reactors, amino acids and criminal law. "I wanted to make a scratch in life," he explains now. "I've still got time." Of his exposure to radioactivity he says, "I don't believe I took more than five years off my life."
I wish I had your willingness to believe in everything the Internets have to offer.
But I, my friend, have good and trustworthy sources. And I shall not believe this ridiculous story until I see it on TV or read it in Newsweek.
on the plus side assuming he can manage to bed anyone who doesn't think his unsightly sores are hideous he's probably sterile from all the radiation. consider our gene pool saved.
Professor Hahn won't need to bed anyone if he deems them worthy of his nuclear seeds. He'll just irradiate them with his thorium enriched penile cord without even having to unzip anything. But by now, you know he's got bigger plans.
I bet he's like the bad guys in the GIJoe miniseries: he's going to put his seed into space plants, shoot them into space and then make them rain their spores on the human population thus converting them into hideous mutants (well, in the movie it turned them into reptiles, but it's the same principle).
At least that's what I would do.
Otherwise maybe he'll just blow the entire world up and we can end up living in the Thunderdome.
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