WHEN THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA GET FLYING CARS!?!?!?!?! I remember when I was a kid, the visions people had of the future. We were supposed to have colonized the moon by now. AND BE DRIVING FLYING CARS!! And be eating pills instead of having to cook these ridiculously lavish meals we keep preparing. Why is there still war, and why isn't it interstellar? No, that's too far. Why isn't it interplanetary? Why am I not part robot!?
I thought you had a bionic dick.
Why dont you go rent yourself a Wii or something.
the future's always late for the really cool stuff and always late for the shitty stuff... at least the past was on time!
^^that didn't make any sense... i meant to say that the future's always late for the cool stuff and EARLY for the shitty stuff.
You know too much.
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