Did any of you know that its now been a whole month, a WHOLE month people!!!
Its now been a whole month that My name is Bruce, the movie that is closest to be the next evil dead sequel, its been a whole month that the movie directed by Bruce Campbell, starring Bruce Campbell in the role of Bruce Campbell, this movie has been showing in theater across America, for a WHOLE MONTH??!?!!!?
Why have we not heard about this?
What is wrong with our country?
Are we even considered as a country?
What is this? why is this happening? How could it be? I dont understand? I donT Oh OH oh.. WOOOOOHHH... pffff.. pffff... pffff....
And for those wondering, here's the synopsis: "B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon."
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