I've come to the awful conclusion that I've got to add another item to the ADVANTAGE SHORTIES COLUMN : They get to hang their long sleeve shirts or jackets aloofly on a chair.
Whereas tall people such as myself are constantly having their long sleeves drag agaisnt the ground because chairs are not high enough.
What the fuck kind of post was that!?!
God damn it he's right.
I never thought about the sleeves.
That and being able to ride small animals puts the shorties way ahead of us. Thats it, I'm getting my femurs sawed off.
Quit saying I'm short!!!
Just the other day, through innocent inattention, I dirtied a nice pair of sleeves. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm doing it again, right now.
yup, wouldn`t ya know it, my sleeves were getting dirty again.
Oh, and I must congralute napoleon on an especially fine comment.
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