Monday, December 11, 2006


Yo. This is why the germans have it better than us : they can form up words anytime.
Like if they're pissed at their computer, they could just invent the word :
albernrechenautomaten (stupid computer)
or when a woman's yelling at them, they just go : arch, das hysterikerfrau.
(hysterical woman)
That means in just one word, they can describe their whole afternoon : Paarungnahrungkotschlafendpaarungnahrungpaarungschlafendkot (fucking-eating-shitting-sleeping-fucking etc.)

And then pictured below is the unterbauchschmerzen, which obviously means "pain in the lower stomach section". Try to find an english word for that!


Barbarosa said...

How about Intestinalelephatism?

Jobless in January said...

That was the dude in Borat!
a Kazakchi not a german.

Dementor said...

Sorry Puri, sure, intestinalelephantism would be a good suggestion for the word, but you see, unlike the IV Reich, the Queen doesnt want her servants to invent new words, so you're gonna have to take that one out. Oh no, forget it, it doesnt count when there's an orthograph error.

Barbarosa said...

Touché, sir.

Well then, I guess the latest spelling score is as follows:

Puriji: 3 mistakes.
Charogne: 427 mistakes.

Dementor said...


Barbarosa said...


Barbarosa said...

Wait a minute, my last comment makes no sense. Glad to see I'm consistent!

Anonymous said...

Unlike this afternoon's poo.