Well I'm really starting to feel the itch for the blue balls and this week-end's session should be mandatory. That's right! Screw the plans you had with your girlfriend, screw your mother's birthday (is it mother's day this week-end), and screw your... well... screw everything. It's wall ball time. My excitement was sparked by finding this beauty in the Point last week-end.

Beautiful, isn't she....

...which brings me to my next point. We have no wall. Our schoolyard wall has been caged by the man simply because she has a few loose bricks. Damn the man and his conservative ways!!! So I'm up to any suggestions you may have. Can we hit up that multi-dimensional wall in Lafontaine Park, or is that too small for a large group prison mates?
Lafontaine has 2 wonderful wallz. Reversoland and the Chester Field. The latter is the best for competitive playing where no crooks are disallowed. The lot of us got our asses kicked last time by some damned ringer but I don't intend to let that happen again. I'm talking drills and focused exercises here. We need to work on our speed and precision angular shots...oh, and our mercilessness.
U never been to the lafontaine wall?
Its all we need. Its almost perfectly leveled, its got no reliefs, and it even gots some good lights for midnight bouts.
and rarely any parked cars or tennis assholes
They're not really assholes. Sometimes I use the word "Assholes" as a synonym for the word
hell is other assholes... i mean people.
L'enfer c'est les trouduculs.
wow, what a great t-shirt that would be.
So, the weather for this weekend is pretty shitty for me. Rain on sunday, and sunny on saturday, but I'm moving my girlfriend's aunt on saturday.
Thats right, you heard me, I wont wallball this weekend because of my girlfriend's aunt...
seems like it is going to be scatterred showers on sat and between 8c to 23 c (wtf?)
I think this weekend may not be a go for wallball for me either... too bad, I really wanted to break that seal.
next weekend is a long weekend isn't it?
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