Saturday, May 9, 2009

And now, for some more propaganda, but this time from the other side...

look at that SUN!!!


Karl Hungus said...

When I watch something like this, it makes me feel like I am unlearning my brain. When you know the facts, then you see how these douchebags are twisting them. When a documentary has to get a professor from the University of Winnipeg, you know they went far justify their arguments.

Please don't post this kind of shit on the blog anymore. By doing so you are increasing it's visibility on the web.


Remember their names and what they look like. For when the climactical apocalypse arrives, we should all have them on our little lists in our back pocket.

Dementor said...

Of course, of course, I was merely trying to study the sacrilegious blasphemies the heretics are uttering, so as to better know how to stay away from eternal damnation. But you are right, we should most definitely censor any opinion or facts that might seem to go against the climate change consensus. It will never happen again. I promise.

Karl Hungus said...

I never said censor it. That would mean removing it from YouTube. I just simply mean ignore it. :)

Dementor said...

was that a smiley?

Ar! Gay!

Karl Hungus said...

Ummmm... noooo.... I sneezed and my elbow hit my cat that jumped towards the keyboard but I caught it just before it landed on the enter key which is what I was supposed to press but then a terradactyl flew through the window and shit on my lap then I tried to dodge it's attack by throwing my chair at it but then it knocked a book off the shelf that landed on the aquarium and broke it so I jumped onto the couch and then the front door swung open and a 17 year old girl walked in wearing no clothes and she told me that she would make the madness stop if I slept with her then typed a smiley face at the end of my blog comment.

...and that, your honor, is how it happened. I swear.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

There are definitely elements of spin, corporate agenda and political one-sidedness but the approach isn't any less logical than that of the environmentalists and it goes to show that "facts" can be presented under any light. Documentaries like these should not be censored of even ignored. Even if they are flawed, they challenge and encourage the act of questioning. Questioning is important, ESPECIALLY when socially damnable. I myself like to follow Bonerpants' rule of thumb: The more people believe it, the less true it becomes

Dementor said...

I don't believe in water neither.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Ok there, Descartes!

Master of the Craw said...

There are two basic elements to this: the science and the politics. The problem is that sicence is and should always be apolitical. When people who have no real scientific understanding of an issue get involved one of two things happens: it become dogmatic or it gets ignored by a small but vocal minority who believe it to be gospel... the IPCC is an example of science taken in the wrong direction or handled by the wrong people often for the wrong reasons.

Scientists should be skeptics above all else.