And I'm not talking a slice or two, I'm talking about as much pizza as possible.

In fact, I thought it might be fun to order pizzas from Salonica AND Royal... mmmm, just imagine flipping one slice of each onto the other and taking a huge mouthful...

I've been thinking about the best way to treat you guys for a while, and I think that rather than get a bunch of 24s of whatever is on special, I thought we could get imports. I wouldn't be happy unless I let you chose as many different beers from as many different countries as possible.

...and just think about how amazingly refreshing that would be after all that pizza. Mmmmmm.... soooooo thirst-quenching...

So let's make a date. It's on me!! Shall we say Sunday around 3:30? It's my treat. And while you guys are over, can you just help me move a few things to my new apartment? It shouldn't take too long. Besides, I can't wait to give you all your wonderful pizza and beer.
So who's coming? C'mon! it'll be sooooooo satisfying!
what'll your new adress be? i heard we're gonna be neighbors! you between bernard and arcade?
I'm not sure I can come.
I've got this big final exam next Tuesday.
If I do come, it will be for an hour or two, gros max.
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