This quote won't open any of your eyes, but I felt it was a nice refresher on the politics of brutality.
''Terrorism is a normative term which is used to describe what the 'other' does, not what 'we' do.
Powerful nations such as Israel, the US, Russia or China will always describe their victims' struggle as terrorism.
However, they fail to acknowledge as acts of terror the destruction of Chechnya, the slow slaughter of the remaining Palestinians, the repression of Tibetans, and the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Normative rules and what is legal and permissible are determined by the powerful. They formulate the concept of terrorism in normative terms and make it appear as if a neutral court derived such definitions instead of the oppressors.
For the weak to resist becomes illegal by definition.
This excessive use of legal jargon actually undermines the fundamentals of what is truly legal and diminishes the credibility of international institutions such as the UN. The law becomes the enemy of those who struggle.
It becomes apparent that the powerful - those who make the rules - insist on legality merely to preserve the power relations that serve them or to maintain their occupation and colonialism.''
Full story
In the midst of all this caca, my mind veared to this song. Never fails to leave me vaklempt.
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