Sunday, August 31, 2008; Page A04
CHICAGO -- The American Petroleum Institute and four other business groups filed suit Thursday against Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall, joining Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's administration in trying to reverse the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species.
On Aug. 4, the state of Alaska filed a lawsuit opposing the polar bear's listing, arguing that populations as a whole are stable and that melting sea ice does not pose an imminent threat to their survival.
Thats right people! thats our Palin suing none other than George Dubya for being environmental! GO PALIN!!!

as was mentioned at bonerpant's bday we should have a vp debate drinking game going on...
hence why i posted that other thing...
exactly. tonight at 9.
my place if Pi... I mean Bonerpants dont wanna do it at his.
I say we drink everytime Palin talks out of her ass, uses low grade expressions such as "the bad guys" and speaks about God.
Ok ok, Bonerpants wouldnt have to play since he's working tomorrow, but I predict we'll get fucking trashed.
I guess it ain't happening... it's for the best anyways, I can't get drunk tonight since I have papers to write for tomorrow.
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