Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So you're out in the rain. You're not really getting wet but you find the wind kind of menacing.  Though more practical than wearing a wheel-barrel for a helmet, the use of an umbrella isn't really your most well sought out solution, now is it?


Barbarosa said...

Paraploowies suck. Unless they are those charming ''Merde, il pleut'' ones, then the charm of them beats their awkwardness.

Master of the Craw said...

i got thwacked in the leg with an umbrella today by some genius who combined crossing into the bike path without looking with opening the damned thing at the wrong moment. I swear, i'm going to buy some jousting gear and just skewer stupid people.

shit, now i know what my halloween costume is going to be.

Barbarosa said...

You're gonna dress up as an umbrella?