What I think about terrorists is that yeah, they can blow themselves up along with their victims, in the way of the low grade kamikaze, but they dont have women to back them up if they need to get driven somewhere. Yet they still have the advantage on us. Now I intended to say something clever here but then, while trying to back it up with a cool picture of a terrorist, I fell on Ali. And then I forgot about the clever thing. And then I forgot about Ali. Ah well, I guess these sort of things are normal these days.
This may seem callous but: who wants to see Ensiferum with me on thursday?
ensiferum is coming to town?
I need to keep track of concert listings more often.
along with amon amarth?
the only problem is I finish work at 19:00 so I'd be there a bit late.
how much is it?
30$ + some service fees (about 4$ i think).
I'm really considering this.
ok, so I got 4 tix. 1 for me, 1 for Dildo & 1 for Nerdlord. Um... there's one left. Does backstabber want in?
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