Friday, September 26, 2008

More from our favorite Guv'ner

Sarah Palin showcasing her black and white reasoning and fuzzy logic. Seeing her interviews reminds me of high school oral presentations.


Dementor said...

AH! I just thought about this!

When John dies, and as an ex-actuary I can predict when people die, which should be in the next 3 years, Sarah's gonna take his place!!!


I cant wait. This is gonna be 10 times better than George W.
Picture this, its november 2011, john Mccain just died, humanity has only 1 month to live before total annihilition, and the president of the US&A is Sarah Palin!!! of course! it all makes sense now... je vous jure, ça se dessine... the pieces are coming together...

Barbarosa said...

She said ''the bad guys''.

She is clueless, which is why she'll be popular; Americans like that in important people who rule them.

Barbarosa said...

I loved this line: ''So you think Henry Kissinger is naïve?''

Hahaha, Henry Kissinger, the Homicidal Maniac, Henry Kissinger the Butcher of Millions, NAIVE! mouahahahahaa!

Master of the Craw said...

Hey, tell me more about this mathematical prescience you have nerdlord ... or should I say Muad'hib?