I'd like to.
What about the lift?
isnt it this weekend?

oh... right. There's no point because its after the 10th right? hmmm... I'm sorry, I forgot.
p.s I enjoy the fact that Mediocrity Nazis can still hate the Jews. Not because of their intrinsic evil nature, but because most of them are so successful. I like dat.
after the 10th?
yeah, i'm not too sure either...
i signed up for it but I'm also curious how we will get from point a to point b... as discussed at NB's place maybe we could rent a van... or a school bus.
ok, y'all sign up ya hear? We're renting a car. Backstabber, Dildo, Nerdlord & Bonerpants. The gruesom 2 X twosome.
- what about candyman.
doesnt he have something to do with wilvie?
- Boner, are you renting that car?
(cause I dont have a credit card, and you need one of those.)
- whoever's renting it better act out quick, cause you have to reserve those cyclist killing calamities.
I am working overtime these days but I'll make sure to check it out tomorrow.
I'm going up with my sister.
I have a van!
Will you park it down by the river?
I'm not rocking it with you Dildo, if that's what you mean.
Never has your name been so appropriate!
Except when Candyman, Bonerpants and myself spent an evening making fun of how gay Sam and Frodo were.
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