Does that mean that good intentions aren't enough? As in, if you have good intentions to do something, but end up not doing it?
Ex: Your friend calls and you go ''I've been meaning to call you for the past few weeks!'' (And you didn't, asshole)
Or does it refer to people that disguise bad deeds with noble intentions?
Ex: To paraphrase George W. Bush : ''We need to invade Iraq in order to free the Iraqi people and give them the gift of Democracy.''
1 comment:
Sometimes I wonder about the education UQAM is giving you.
Everyone knows it's because Satan outsourced the contract for the construction of the road to Hell to the lowest bidder. At the time the mafia had plenty of "good intentions" they had managed to appropriate from a landfill in Jersey but were unable to unload the stuff anywhere. Because of their teamster connections they managed to convince the contractor to use this stuff to pave the road in return for some kickbacks and other rather complicated financial trickery. It is said somewhere on this road is where they also burried Jimmy Hoffa's body.
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