You'll have guessed that I'm writing you to let you know that he's up to his old tricks again. Why, the other day he did not believe that calcio was what the Italians called football and what we in North of Mexico North America call soccer.
I need your advice. Do you think posting a PrintScreen of the A.C. Milan website, with its full name of Associazione Calcio Milan s.p.a circled and the Calcio underlined, will be enough? He can even click on the pic if he wants a closer view.

Attached, you'll find the file I'm speaking off.
Kindest and warmest regards old chap.
Sycophantic Backstabber
P.S. See you at the next San Marino regatta! ; )
since when do you use a PC?
since when do you use a PC?
since when do you use a PC?
also, the name of a single team proves nothing. I'll remind you that my argument was that the word cancha was comonly used instead and I was backed up by someone else (either nerdlord or candyman).
I will however cop to mathew broderick although I confess that at the time when I saw Godzilla I had never seen Feris Bueller's day off. That's my defense.
Please do not accuse me of taking part into any of your inept conversations. I have been trying to give a meaning to this life, and your matthew broderick/cancho gibberish isnt helping. Now. Can anyone tell me why my girlfriend is alone in a tropical storm.
She's secretly trying to approach the Castros and usurp their throne?
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