"I think that to a large extent, whether you suffer depends on how you respond to a given situation."
"when seeking work, or if you already have a job, it is important to keep in mind that a human being isn’t meant to be some kind of machine designed only for production"
"to resist corruption, one must focus on the long term effects of his actions."
And then my favorite one :
"Even if it means less pay, personally I think it is better to choose work that is less demanding, that gives you greater freedom, more time to be with your family, or to do other activities, read, engage in cultural activities, or just play. I think that’s best."
I thought these things didnt need to be said anymore, that they were long understood.
Too judge by the awestricken audience gasping at his every words, it seems I was wrong. Maybe I should start my own cult, where I would teach the fondamental basics of life in their wisest form.
If you throw a ball up in the air.
It will fall back down.
If it does not get stuck somewhere.
A haiku is fun
Wallball ones especially
My legs hurt a lot.
nice moustacho
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