The other day, I received this electronic missive (emis)from a friend living in a foreign land. The emis included a picture.

And a text.
''Je ne sais pas si tu te rappelles de ce film vraiment bon (en tout cas, à l'époque on avait trouvé ça bon) qu'on avait loué et regardé dans votre sous-sol... "Split Second"... une espèce d'Alien méchant qui tue les gens et ce gars qui essaie de l'arrêter...
Eh ben ça fait longtemps que je cherche le DVD et je l'ai enfin trouvé... une version éditée en Allemagne. Imagine-toi que certaines éditions de ce film se vendent presque 200 EUR le DVD, hallucinant...! Là, je l'ai trouvée sur eBay à un prix raisonnable... ''
Surprisingly, the only thing that came to mind was this Onion story about Dolph Lundgren:
Dolph Lundgren Wins Long, Courageous Battle Against Fame
The mind is a very curious thing.
One of the best lines in cinematic history is from that movie. And I quote:
Also, if I remember correctly, the guy that says that dies shortly after.
No he doesn't. He becomes like the new Rudger Hower and starts stuffing his face with chocolate.
By the way, if anyone is still looking for the video, I have it at my place. If only I had a VCR to play it with...
I dont get what Dolph has to do with it.
But mentioning him did made this post better.
I do remember watching XTRO... the only good thing about it was when someone busts out a chain gun that's supported by a mechanical arm on account of it BEING A BIGGER GUN!
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