Sunday, April 29, 2007

This neighborhood has gone to shit

Yuppiedom has overtaken the Mile End. It is in our midst. Here is my latest testimony on the matter:
On a less than beautiful Sunday afternoon, I find myself casually idling by my favorite smoking window. I blink twice to shake off the unsettling image that won’t refrain from manifesting itself on a nearby street corner. At first I remain incredulous and question my own powers of perception. It is of no use. I have to accept the fact that I see a man jogging with a baby stroller. To those cynics who have seen it all, I will unabashedly state the following. The man in question is wearing a one piece, skin tight, black spandex suit garnished with orange motifs, the likes of which you might find on a 1988 Firebird. The stroller is equipped with an aerodynamic, weather proof shell. Seemingly, it’s been designed to cut wind resistance for this specific kind of activity. What should be of great concern is that the stroller matches the jogger in color and pattern…The stroller MATCHES the jogger!?! Oh, the cruelty of human reproduction! Would an instant flash of life not be preferable to an eternal state of constant decline?


Karl Hungus said...

What I find amazing is that someone had a baby with that guy. Booze is a wonderful thing.

Hamma said...

Very well written.

Hamma said...

May I say....I like your style.

Anonymous said...

fantastic. and of course, you guys are now leaving this neighborhood, giving in to these yuppies who will, in no time, appropriate themselves this simple neighborhood and reshape it according to their likes and needs... the generic kind. shall we see a new plan b appear on st-viateur? will green room become green room hyper tavern? will i have to start playing some champion tracks at korova?
i have come to realize that a great majority of people do not know why they go to a place and not another, they simply do it cause they're told to, no matter what either place has to offer. of course this realization hasn't come to me in a recent flash, it's more something like a tragic thought that regularly re-surfaces. and it sucks. does anyone remember going to a party last fall at some cool trendy stylist's place near st-laurent? should i remind you that stylists often shape other people's tastes? let me ask you this then: why is it that her place looked like a boring st-sauveur/ikea condo???

Barbarosa said...

Her condo was utterly lacking in anything resembling a coherent imagination. I'm starting to get a feeling that stylists basically use arab-telephone-like communication tools.

Anonymous said...

it's not only the stylists' fault man.... it's also the people who listen to them!!!!
seriously! people do stuff without even knowing why, and what's even more scary is that people like stuff and they can't even tell you what's to like about it...
i was gonna post an example here, but i just realized it would make a good post altogether.. back to the blog!!