Thursday, November 16, 2006

Which brings us to our next subject : akward looking gay men

Now now children, settle down. hush hush.
Today's subject is very important to me, so stay put, and pay attention.
The matter that preoccupies us and the rest of the majority of the decent people of our great nation Canada, is about a very real threat to the integrity of our traditional values and to our dignity and self-respect in regards to how we see ourselves through the eyes of God, how he created us and expects us to behave.
The great and venerable bidding of Family, laying on the basis of our religious and sacred Institution, is meant to give us the will and the obligation to rise up to what is expected from us by our feared and beloved Lord Jesus. He knows how true love can only really exist between a man and a...

well look at that! its our little peltless buggar again! look at him! all wriggling and oozing and shit, aching for us to rub his skinless back... how endearing... I'm completely charmed by this adorable creature... looks like it could use a little oiling though... yes... this underskin layer is starting to get dry. As cute as they can be, these peeled marvels require a lot of maintenance, but its all way worth it.
Oh yes, the rewards are immensurable.


Barbarosa said...

Amresh: God?

God: Leave me the fuck alone. You and your blog are disgusting. I want nothing to do with it. Sod off!

alex trebek said...

man.... i miss you salaud, we need to do some shroom soon and dig up skinless animals of pictures... wait... yeah that's right.

Dementor said...

hmmmmm shrooooooms, is there anything they cant make you think you comprehend?

Although they kind of scare me since this other guy told me shrooms will actually make your spinal cord dry by evaporating the liquid between your vertebras, rendering you stiff and crackling like a holocaust survivor in the desert on a dryer than usual day chewing on excessively salty crackers.

Nituni said...

I love you too!

Anonymous said...

I hope you dont believe a word you are saying, if you realy are... poor of you.

# said...

I suggest you to start a therapy in order tu clean your mind off. You are full of hate and resentfulness. Besides, you have a wrong concept about what God´s love is...

alex trebek said...

what's amazing is the people who won't get anything ever... i feel helpless around them...

Dementor said...

what's scary is to know the CIgay is watching our every moves! Every time we write the G word they let us know how and why we are wrong !
Which is quite educating in a way, so I wont complain.