Wednesday, November 29, 2006

If you can't stand the heat,

Get out of the kitchen!

This just goes as a warning. There are reasons why we all have limits. They are NOT meant to be broken.


alex trebek said...

damn... i mean... i've been scared in my life... like, i've been riding my bike in traffic and a bunch of cars have nearly hit me and i had to stop for a while to catch my breath, i almost fell to a certain death while climbing a mountain (no hardcore climbing just hiking, but i was being incredibly stupid that day)...
i never even came close to shitting my pants though....
that's a lot of shit!

Dementor said...

I shat my pants once.
Not because I was scared though.
I was just distracted, I thought I was done, I wasnt. Didnt I post about this before? Yeaaahh... I think I did...

alex trebek said...

CACA!!!! ok analyze the picture (like i have cause i'm obsessed with poo) and you'll see the wonders of gravity... you can notice that the person shat probably just before the full extension of the elastic as his/her left leg is full of shit and then shat the biggest part of it while bouncing back up, hence the massive amount of shit in his/her back...

Dementor said...

What is also worth noting is that this particularly well shitwashed individual had the opportunity to use the 3 tenses of the verb shitting in a single sequence sentence building.

Pedro : Jesus! I will shit my pants! ... Per la Madre de dio, I think I just shat my pants. Maldita merdia, I have shat my pants.