Sunday, November 9, 2014

So it's not just me...

Recently, I've been trying to better understand the startup world as I felt out of touch and needed some schooling on the current happenings in the tech world. I've been reading a lot and I'm now going to various events and doing some more in-depth research. Don’t ask why, I have my reasons.

I gotta say though, so far, it's not sitting right with me. I can list my reasons but I think that this article does a far better job than I ever could.

This one is about the dire situation in San Francisco which I can only assume is what the rest of us are quickly heading towards. You can probably guess that I found it by simply googling "startup douchebags".

The same goes for this image:

The really scary part, though, is how the author mentions that things were bad before the 2000 crash and that they are now worse. This does not bode well for us, does it? Of course, history doesn't always repeat itself due to varying parameters but you’d think we’d still heed its warning. Is the current crop of tech magnates too young to remember that far back?

I’ll stop here because my head is overflowing with bile on this subject, head bile, I guess. Shut up.


Napoleon Bonerpants said...

A bit more of the same but pretty cathartic:

Dementor said...

First time I'd heard of the San Francisco situation was back in April with this article from a glasshole who got his glasses smashed.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say it doesn't bode well for us. For us as tenants? As human beings? Let me read your post again without thinking about galactic trade routes this time.

Dementor said...

Anyways, if you're worried for our future as tenants because of an influx of rich underaged assholes, that just dont seem to be happening here right now...

Dementor said...

Also, this sums it all up pretty well.

Master of the Craw said...

I have seen way too many conversations in tech go pretty much exactly like the above. And the worst part is that kind of talk is seeping into the larger companies... I've actually been head approached by a couple of startups like this and when you get to the inevitable "what exactly is your product?" invariably it's the same garbage nonsensical newspeak.

Seattle is not quite as bad as SF but it's heading there.

And then, to bring this whole thing full circle, the douchebaggery is feeding back into itself and creating a whole class of rich assholes and companies wanting to cater to them.

Meanwhile, most people at work, the legitimately smart guys who can hack a kernel, write drivers over lunch and can debug the crap out of anything, they're wearing jeans and a t-shirt and look very decidedly not like that guy.