Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Adventures in Urban decay.

And sneaking into things that normal people don't usually see (like the top floors of the Eaton Center).


Barbarosa said...

I once started getting (or wanting to get) into that. Then, as a volunteer at the emerg, I encountered a patient who fell through two floors doing that.

Dementor said...

I once started getting (or wanting to get) into that. Then Grands Mains told me that was for sissies, and to join him into abandonPaintballVenture. He went a couple of times with GabJack, and they did play some paintball in an old abandoned warehouse. I just stayed home and drank some tea.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

I could only imagine the smells in the abandoned industrial buildings. Must be a feast for the senses

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Makes you wonder how many urban explorer corpses there might be in various tanks and silos. Like Goonies finding the skeleton of Chester Copperpie.

Master of the Craw said...

Why does that remind of this thing:

Barbarosa said...

Wow that article on Detroit was stellar.