Saturday, July 19, 2008

The real No Sex Band

bonus points for figuring out the source of the music without checking the video's title.

this one is still my favorite. Mainly because you can tell nobody else wants to play the song anymore except the guitarist who's being a dick.

Also, I'll be heading out to Batman today. I haven't figured out if I'll be doing the imax thing at 7pm or the standard movie experience at 8:30. I have a Fantasia movie at 12:00 (appropriately called midnight meat train) so my time slots are limited by the fact that this is a 2.5 hour movie... Anyways, if anyone desires to have their face melted by an awesome movie call me on my cell.


Master of the Craw said...

The last tickets for the 7 pm imax were bought by a group of 16 year old girls whose only rationalization for seeing the movie is that "maybe Christian Bale will take off his shirt". I officially hate life now.

I guess I'll just go tomorrow or sometime this week.

Dementor said...

yeah,well ... whats up with that!
"Christian Bale"... give me a break! Its as if Heath Ledger was not even in the movie. Just because a guy's rotting his last nibbles of flesh underground doesnt mean he cant be sexy anymore. Fuck! Thats exactly why I hate 16 year old girls.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Dildo, This movie's huge. I can't believe you expected to just waltz in during opening weekend. And don't tell me you've been camping out because I remember you once gave me a speech about avoiding instant gratification at all costs.

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

I'm referring to that time when I bought a premarinated steak. I know that its not as good as doing it yourself but let me remind you that my favorite culinary dish is bread and butter.

Master of the Craw said...

i'm particularly fond of instance jello so i'm quite possibly a culinary hypocrite. or one in general... since i don't really recall that conversation and I'm compulsive enough to seek instant gratification on a whim. this might explain certain callouses.

incidentally, i purchased tickets online (which i should have done from day 1) for the 8:30 show.

Barbarosa said...

Firsties, I thought the source of the first video was Grateful Dead! No, for real.

Secondies, that second video just stunk of the Country in which Woody currently finds herself.

Dementor said...

I knew the first track was from Megaman II after 5 seconds. Doctor Willy's castle. The second level to be precise. I think.

Master of the Craw said...

actually, the first and second levels of wily's castle have the same song.