Conceptual Horizons. Man, what a concept! What a horizon!
I'm the middle of some nasty reading on Primordiality, Perenialism, Modernism and Ethno-Symbolism and KABLAMO! the writer takes a huge dump on my brain. What a delicious idea. Conceptual Horizons!
''Concerning fremdenfeindlichkeit, I truly believe that on the conceptual horizon we will be seeing a new tolerance within humanity, a sort of lessening of tension between the Us and the Them. Whether that is due more to a rise of new poles of power or the intense global migration patterns or rather because of the advent of the air car remains to be discussed.
Conceptual horizons. Use it or lose it!

irrelevant picture
Hey.. cool picture!!! Is that a meteor? Is one really going to hit? Was that picture computer generated, or is it an artist's rendition? Are you interested in that sort of thing? Tell me more!
I'm sorry, were you saying something about a contextual hormone or something?
What you say is very interesting, but I dont agree. Fremdenfeindlichkeit is not better suited then xenophobia to describe the general feeling towards strangers, because Fremdenfeindlichkeit is part of Xenophobia. If Fremdenfeindlichkeit was drawn in a group theory scheme, it would be a circle included in the Xenophobia group. Fremdenfeindlichkeit is indeed a subgroup of Xenophobia. Let me explain. Xenophobia is the fear of strangers, while Fremdenfeindlichkeit is the hatred of strangers. Yoda has thought us that hatred was led to by fear, and so there is no hatred without fear, thus Fremdenfeindlichkeit is a form of fearing the strangers, thus Fremdenfeindlichkeit is a form of Xenophobia, so Xenophobia is a better suited word to describe this feeling since it embodies all types of dark sided feelings toward strangers. It is not hatred that leads to fear, but fear that leads to hate.
Listen Star Wars boy, your little analogy is pretty cute, but please refrain from mentally masturbating on us.
Yo, fuck that last comment, I sort of, temporarily forgot this was a blog and that it served exactly the purpose I chastised you about. Oops.
ttss tss...
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