Have any of you kids ever experienced a lucid dream?
You know, those dreams where you actually realize you're dreaming and you consciously take control of your actions affecting the dream world.
Well I had one the other night, and it made me understand a little further who I really am, as a person, or a "human being", if you will.
The experience is quite exhilarating. It is probably the most freeing instant one might ever live, even though it is not real. In the instant, the satisfaction and the pleasure are at their paroxysm, and I really cant see how they could be topped by reality, it wont ever come close if you ask me, at least not till they invent those neuro chips, or till they put out Army of Darkness II, or till they put out neuro chips that let you be in Army of Darkness II, but I digress.
So I woke up in a dream, in this bar. Even though every aspect of my surroundings and my own feelings were unreally sharp as if I were there, I somehow knew it was a dream, and I strutted down and made my way to the bar where a couple of plantureuses ladies were sipping on their drinks. Without even considering the nature of the act and its possible repercussions, nor thinking about doing something more elevated like, I dont know, flying, I lept at the nearest girl and started grabbing her everywhere at once, and then I shoved my cock in her face and grabbed her tits some more and slapped her face with the cock and shoved it in her eyes and nose and then I grabbed the other girl and did the same, all very fast, very quick, as if every seconds counted and the only thing that really mattered was molesting those two chicks as best as I could, they were not very pleased, but their indignant state was all the more arrousing for me and so I cumshot their face.
There was a moment when I considered trying to fly away, but that was like a nanosecond.
Anyways after raping those chicks I ended up in a police car and thats where I went from lucid dreaming to basic dreaming, from active to passive state. I could hear and see the two women lecturing me on how bad I had been, waving their finger at me, and I felt really really bad about it.
So I guess that Freud guy was right about the ça and the surmoi and the moi.
I became It, and I lived It, and I loved It.
There's a rapist inside of me people.
Good thing theres also the police.
I wonder who put them there. Geez, if only Freud could tell me.
I did it!
I made the one they call ignacio react! He moved his fingers!
I'm making a note here: huge success.
Wow, fucked up dream. See, I've had similar dreams and have done similar things (in those dreams), but the girls liked it and no police.
Well, maybe the girls did not like it so much, but their eyes were telling me that...
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