Friday, May 30, 2014

Worth sharing

Probably never gonna happen, but still.


Barbarosa said...

What's never going to happen is me watching that video. It was so annoying, I only got to the middle.

Barbarosa said...

1) Just the cost of the glass paving itself would make this an extremely expensive endeavor.
2) Glass tends to very slippy when dirty or wet which roads often are, no tests have been shown for these conditions or an emergency stop in dry weather.
3) Dirt would act like sandpaper on the glass making it smoother and more opaque, simultaneously reducing its suitability as a road surface and lowering energy output (less energy reaches the cell).
4) Even super bright LEDs are difficult to see at a shallow angle during strong sunlight, this means that most roads would still have to have painted on markings anyway. It is instead much more efficient just to equip cars with headlights and place cat's eyes in the roads, some urban roads may need a dynamic road system but these are by far the exception.
5) Roads are not made out of separate tiles as a)water will filter through the cracks and erode the material beneath the road and b) vehicles rolling over the tiles will cause differential loading leading the tiles to wiggle loose.
6) It would be much easier and cheaper just to install solar panels above parking space and/or by the side of the road rather than underneath it.

Dementor said...

Apparently you watching that video happened after all.

Dementor said...

You watching that video and then analytically surveying all the scientific implications.

Dementor said...

Why were all my pictures deleted from this blog? Are we witnessing the first attack on the net neutrality front?

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

Your touchy feely pope avatar is but a dead link to a forgotten site. I am sorry to disappoint with such a down to earth explanation.

Dementor said...

It is not. I had uploaded it. Never used a link for an image on this site. I have been filed.