Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Every now and again, a film comes along that reminds us all of how film really is a form of art. I hope this gets the proper recognition and praise it deserves.

PS: I gots meat in me boots.


Mitche said...
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Dementor said...

Thank you so much Karl!

(Shite, better start saving for Bonerpants next birthday)

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

I was just gonna say. I won't hold up very long with my little machete with these crazies running around. Plus their superior belly fat armor gives them an extra advantage.

We're screwed.

Karl Hungus said...

Ya, but with the right sword, you can hack right through that belly fat armor like it were a pig's head.

My fear is that the fatty would destroy me thanks only to his zest for life (through chopping).

Barbarosa said...

Both the video and sword rule! That was bloody amazing!