Friday, February 6, 2009

S'do shrooms.

So, two things I wanted to cover:

1) We need to figure out when we can do shrooms. I'm completely overloaded as it is but I should have enough breathing room to get shroomed around spring break which starts on the 23rd and ends on the 1st. I think nerdlord had the same dates and IDK if there are any other factors to take into account for everyone else...

2) I just realized that I bought the DVD below about a year back but have been saving for a day I get really fucked up to watch it. I recall bonerpants, SB and myself watching this one a looong time ago when on shrooms so I'm going to have to bring it along.


Barbarosa said...


Dementor said...

Shrooms do rhyme with spring break.

Master of the Craw said...

they also rhyme with doom.