Sunday, June 22, 2008


MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.


Barbarosa said...

bloody brilliant!

Master of the Craw said...

I remeber seeing this a little while back, absolutely fantastic.
I can only imagine how much time and planing went into this.

Also, props for making it a creative commons video.

Dementor said...

Puis-je me permettre d'exprimer un certain doute quant à l'authenticité du médium artistique utilisé ?
C'est que j'ai un peu de difficulté à accepter que ça puisse être vrai.
C'est le refoulement qu'ils appellent ça les thérapeutes. Un soupçon de négation et de sublimation pour me permettre de continuer à éviter les névroses qui guettent la moindre manifestation de faiblesse psychosomatique.

Woody Esplanade said...

one of the most fantastic things i've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

oh it's all real, i had my doubts too, but watch it again and you see that it's real... you see when and where they cut and start again on a different day, etc.

there was an article in which the people who did it said that the reason why they did it in buenos aires was because it was graffiti paradise... basically, they could paint whatever the fuck they wanted, wherever and no one cared.... try that in montreal!

Napoleon Bonerpants said...

I was wondering about that. Cause that guy painted over an entire small community.

Master of the Craw said...

It's true, there's grafiti everywhere in Buenos Aires. Even the politicans use it as a cheap form of advertisement.