It's an old white man's world. Its always been and will always be. Poor old hag didnt understand that, even though its damn obvious : what do you expect from a world where even queens get the lowest denomination bills. My point is, until they learn to grow a moustache and piss in the upright, bitches are bound to serve us men. Serve us and wear thongs.
Anyways. Now next to do is explain to the coloured boy the part he didnt get.
Candyman you lost your bet. I'm still in for Mccain.
Still for the Obamachine!
I'm still going for Obama elected then assassinated.
i predict that obama will be elected, turn out to be a white man in black face and then end up screwing up the USA even further.
I predict alot of oreo jokes.
I predict a new joke about america having a new found rithm.
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