Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Christ's Sake!!!

So I just got this email. Can you spot any errors?

Bonjour M XXXXX, j `espre que vous allez bien , le but de mon couriel et tout simplement pour savoir si vous avez bien aimer votre parti de paintball . Le but de mon couriel et aussi pour savoir si vous pourriez me donner votre numero de téléphone , parce que ont n `a oublier de vous remettre votre facture . Alors j `aimerais bien vous demander si vous avez un fax . Alors au plaisir de se plarler . Passer une tres belle journée.

And don't make a joke about my name being XXXXX.


Dementor said...

Whatever you do, do not reply to this!

Its a trap!

Anyone with this level of literacy could only be a cannibal, sophisticated enough to make up a scam with a facture and a fax!

Dementor said...

D'ailleurs, le lecteur prudent et aguerri aura noté le lapsus vers la fin du message, où l'auteur malveillant laisse entrevoir ses intentions maléfiques en écrivant "plarler" au lieu de parler, on voit bien qu'à moitié caché derrière le traître voile de sa manigance, c'est bien le mot "éplucher" qui se laisse presque lire.
"Au plaisir de vous éplucher"

Cannibal, vous dis-je!

Master of the Craw said...

Don't reply to that.

Everyone knows what they do there is secretly track down their former patrons and extract their bodily fluids in order to use them as paint.

Think of it like a really fun type of Soylent Green - well, ok, it's not so fun for the victim...

Barbarosa said...

Are Ignacio and Shipwreck the same person?

Master of the Craw said...

I am to emile what Bruce Banner is to the Hulk.

Barbarosa said...

Now I get it.

When Shipwreck posted his Reverso logo, he was simply announcing to the world that he had defeated (read feasted on and sucked the marrow out of the bones of) another foe. This time it was to be Ignacio. Shipwreck's Reverso powers allow him to switch between different personalities. For now, that is sort of limited to Shipwreck and Ignacio. When he is in Ignacio mode, he slightly less disturbed, but no less maniacal.

Barbarosa said...

In reference to the email, although it was "truffé" with mistakes, I was heartened to notice the use of "courriel".

That's thanks to me and my god-given pedantry.

Barbarosa said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You know what I'm going to say.

Barbarosa said...

That you love me?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! No, fool.

That you're welcome for the pedantry. I'm glad you appreciate it.

Master of the Craw said...

I should point out also that SB is to sanity what the Joke is to Batman.

Master of the Craw said...

Sorry, Joker.

Barbarosa said...

I believe there really was a character called the Joke in Batman. It was a hot dame that was after him, not knowing he was into trannies. He kept on flirting with her, only to laugh at her behind her back.

Hence, the Joke.

Barbarosa said...

Oh shit, I just made (with Ig's help) a metaphor that says sanity laughs at me behind my back.


Hooray! Free! Look at me run down the street naked! They'll never catch me!


Dementor said...

Well I am to Jmo what a Tuskan raider is to his Bantha.

Master of the Craw said...


Also, I'm to candyman what Tauntauns are to stranded jedis on Hoth.