So yeah, I got the boot yesterday night, at 10:00 p.m.
So I went to my friend Antoine to drink it over, and I drank 15 beers, and at 6:00 am this morning, just when my boss got to work, I called her up, because she didnt have the decency to tell my straight up my face right? Like I got to work all the way to fucking montreal est yesterday just to be told by some fucking loser that I'm not working there anymore, no fucking 2 week avis or anything, and so I keep my dignity and I say OK, its allright, you have nothing to do with it, you're just the messenger (cause the boss doesnt have the fucking balls to tell me straight up) and I just leave... and I drank 15 beers with antoine... and now I got back home at 6, and I called the fucking bitch, that worthless cunt, fucking idiotic slightly overweight moron, minable, sans aucune dignité, sans aucune fierté, sans aucune self-fucking respect, she just sent her fucking messenger to tell me I was fired, well thats not how its gonna be bitch, I'm not gonna shut up and leave as if you could do that to me you fucking old hag I'll kill ya, I'll fucking kill ya!!
well thats not what I said... But I did call her at 6:00 am this morning and after trying to get an explanation which she never gave me, I told her, straight up, to her fucking ear : I told her : " Mais c'est minaaaaaaaaaaable"
I told her fucking bitch, and I kept my fucking dignity all the way, all the way.... fucking bitch... I hate you all... go fad;hgadhgkadghdf;kadslkrrrarrrrrrrrrggggg
I'm of the same opinion that dignity is the answer. However, this being said, she is a total fucking cunt for not telling you to your face. You should have come on to her though considering you were probably drunk enough; and a quick roll in the hay may have landed you your job back.
By the way, what kind of bike pedals does she have?
i once told a guy to at least enjoy firing me... it was at a restaurant and the guy had just been promoted to assistant manager and so they made him fire me and he felt really bad and couldn't look me in the eye and was all like "you know... it's just that, we're tight and... you know, you were here last..." whereas i knew that i sucked cause i fucking hated that job so i was always late and didn't do much, i didn't give a shikt about getting fired and sorta expected it so i just told him "dude, just say it to my face and enjoy it! you get to say "you're fired" to someone! how awesome is that??"
he didn't find it awesome... what a douche!
Is that at Red Stick?
I'm pretty sure nobody's reading this so I would just like to announce that I am now going to leave a final comment on every post preceding this one in order to claim them as my own. My goal is total blog domination.
Own this, loser!
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