oh, i had the craziest dream last night: the vrakdas was in a john hughes movie co starring the kid from rushmore/i <3 hucklebees (big nows, big eyebreows) where the premise of the movie was that johanne was looking for a suiter to impregnate her.
also, montreal was infested with pirahnas in the sewage system, so much so that they would come out of the drain/swim in the toiler bowl.
does this mean i'm insane? idk, but it sure means i'm touched. in the head
omg, the first post goes to me.
oh, i had the craziest dream last night: the vrakdas was in a john hughes movie co starring the kid from rushmore/i <3 hucklebees (big nows, big eyebreows) where the premise of the movie was that johanne was looking for a suiter to impregnate her.
also, montreal was infested with pirahnas in the sewage system, so much so that they would come out of the drain/swim in the toiler bowl.
does this mean i'm insane? idk, but it sure means i'm touched. in the head
THanks Puri, that first pick is just about what it was like last night~!
i'm extremely horny.
arg, my elbow... damn you square angles!
Stupid Toronto and their square angles
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